Saturday March 3rd, 51 racers, and some fun riders met at the Pittsburg BART station, for what would become a perfect day in the saddle for many. 63 degrees, with 3mph winds, and this is March in Northern California. The rules were established. Ride as a team, with the last team member across the finish setting the time for the team. No mandatory route, and see you at the NAHBS!


Enclosed are some details from along the 68 mile route. 

Getting close to the race start.

Kyle with a double down.

Chas shot photos of all 17 race teams. Looking forward to seeing these down the road. I really like how he backed up 6 inches in his spine instead of his feet for this one.

Garrett and Dylan’s race bikes.

After driving a van over the Oakley Bridge, I expected to see the cyclists pop out of some special bike lane below the bridge. To my surprise, the peleton came barreling with traffic down the north side. Drivers did not know what to do. Check Marc clipped out, and spun in the lane. 

Zach leading out, and gauging the effort.

Hydro Power turned Cadence Powered.

This section of the delta is historically windy, but today was an exception. Memorable for all the racers.

Garrett is incredibly strong on this bike. Was so powerful to see him turn out these miles. 5th person to cross the finish.


This is 2.5 teams, partially separated for a section of the delta. Dylan leading out this pack. He crossed the finish 4th overall.

Sacramento on the horizon

Heads down, turning out mile after mile. The end result was 68 miles in 3 hours. 21 miles per hour average land speed on track bikes. MOVING!

Salt crusted finish


Racers were granted a discount into the show, where the award were handed out to the top three teams. 

1: Blake,  Kyle,  Walton

2: Crihs,  Julien,  Marc

3: Anton,  Josue,  Robin

Congrats to all the racers, and our thoughts are with Veronica as she heals from a spill a few miles outside of Sacramento. 

Steve closed the show with some soft jams.

DJ met us at the van, looking for items to Ollie. He found Walton’s bike.

Locked, Loaded, and back to SF.

See you in Denver 2013!!!